New Variable Payout and Binary Wholesale Gasoline Contracts Listed; California Gasoline Variable Payout and Gasoline Binary Contracts Delisted; and Increased Max Settlement Value for current Natural Gas Binary Contracts, effected


Pursuant to Commission Regulation §40.2 and §40.6, the HedgeStreet Rule and Instrument Committees have approved amendments/additions that have allowed the increase in the maximum Settlement Value for the Natural Gas Binary Contracts to $100. As a result, HedgeStreet is amending both the reporting level and the speculative position limits for the Natural Gas Binary Contracts in order to accommodate the larger maximum Settlement Value. Additionally, both Variable Payout and Binary Wholesale Gasoline Contracts were listed. Lastly, California Gasoline Variable Payout Contracts and the Gasoline Binary Hedgelet Contracts were delisted until further notification to the Commission.

These rule amendments were made effective at the start of business on Tuesday, August 1, 2006. Click here to view the various rule additions/amendments.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Compliance Department.