Nadex Temporarily Amends Binary Contracts Strike Width
Pursuant to Section 5c(c)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (“Act”), and Section 40.6(d) of the regulations promulgated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the “Commission”) under the Act (the “Regulations”), North American Derivatives Exchange, Inc. (“Nadex”, the “Exchange”) hereby provides notice that due to increased volatility in the underlying markets upon which the Nadex contracts are based, Nadex made changes to the strike widths of various contracts during the week of March 30, 2020 as indicated in the Weekly Notice. Additionally, Nadex is making a non-substantive revision in the footnote regarding the definition of “Touch Bracket Contract” in Rule 1.1, indicating that the contract may also be referred to as a “Knock-out” contract, whereas previous the word was not hyphenated.