Nadex Renames its Germany 30 Contracts as Germany 40 Contracts
Pursuant to Section 5c(c)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (“Act”), and section §40.6(a) of the regulations promulgated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the “Commission”) under the Act (the “Regulations”), North American Derivatives Exchange, Inc. (“Nadex”, the “Exchange”) submitted to the Commission on September 17, 2021 and emergency action notice of its intent to rename its Germany 30 Variable Payout and Germany 30 Binary contracts as Germany 40 Variable Payout and Germany 40 Binary contracts.
Nadex is renaming its contracts because effective September 20, 2021, the DAX 30 will be expanding to the DAX 40. This change adds 10 major blue chip Germany companies trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange to the index, which will increase the quality of the index and provide a more comprehensive picture of Germany’s largest businesses. The Nadex Germany 30 Variable Payout and Germany 30 Binary contracts are based on the underlying Eurex DAX® Index Futures, which is a derivative of the DAX 30 and therefore the change from 30 to 40 companies will impact the index futures and in turn the Nadex contracts. Nadex will not be changing the structure of its Germany contracts, nor the listing, expiration value calculation or settlement process, but will be renaming its contracts as Germany 40 Variable Payout and Germany 40 Binary contracts to reflect the underlying change.
These changes will become effective September 20, 2021.