Nadex Launches Silver and Natural Gas Touch Bracket Contracts and Currency Touch Bracket and Weekly Call Spread Contracts
Pursuant to Section 5c(c)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (“Act”), and section §40.2(a) of the regulations promulgated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the “Commission”) under the Act (the “Regulations”), North American Derivatives Exchange, Inc. (“Nadex”, the “Exchange”) submitted to the Commission on September 16, 2020 its intent to list new Silver and Natural Gas Touch Bracket Variable Payout Contracts to Nadex Rules 12.6 and 12.10, respectively. Additionally, Nadex plans to add Weekly Call Spread contracts to all of its Foreign Currency contracts, as well as Touch Bracket contracts to its AUD/USD, USD/CAD, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY, EUR/GBP, and AUD/JPY Currency contracts.
Pursuant to the filing period under Regulation 40.2(a), this filing will become effective, and the new contracts will be listed on trade date September 21, 2020.