Nadex Adds Discretionary Strike Levels for the Week of June 13, 2016
Pursuant to Section 5c(c)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act, and Commission Regulation §40.6(d)(2)(iv), and by the authority granted by Nadex Rules 12.5, 12.13, 12.15, 12.20, 12.27, 12.29, 12.31, 12.33, 12.35, 12.39, 12.41, 12.45, 12.55, 12.59, 12.61, 12.63, and 12.65 due to volatility in the underlying markets upon which the Nadex contracts are based, Nadex added additional strike levels on a discretionary basis in its Weekly Bitcoin, Japan 225, GBP/USD, GBP/JPY, EUR/JPY, Corn, Soybeans, and US Tech 100 Binary contracts on June 16 and 17, 2016. Additionally, Nadex added discretionary strike levels in its Daily Bitcoin, Wall Street 30, US Tech 100, Gold, GBP/JPY, and EUR/JPY Binary contracts on June 16, 2016. Nadex added additional strike levels in its Intraday GBP/USD (11AM), GBP/USD (12PM), GBP/JPY (12PM), GBP/JPY (1PM), EUR/USD (1PM), AUD/USD (2PM), AUD/JPY (2PM), GBP/USD (1PM), USD/CAD (2PM), USD/JPY (2PM), GBP/JPY (2PM), EUR/USD (2PM), EUR/JPY (2PM), EUR/USD (2PM), US 500 (2PM), US Tech 100 (2PM), Wall Street 30 (2PM), USD/CHF (3PM), US 500 (4PM), US SmallCap 2000 (4PM), US Tech 100 (4PM), and Wall Street 30 (4PM) Binary contracts on June 16, 2016. Finally, due to volatility in the underlying markets upon which the Nadex contacts are based, Nadex increased the number of available Intraday 5-Minute Currency contracts on June 16 and 17, 2016.
Additionally, strike widths were adjusted for three contracts on June 16, 2016. Beginning with the 10:20am expiration Intraday 5-Minute GBP/USD Binary contact, the width increased from 0.0003 to 0.0006, and remained at this width through the close of business on June 17, 2016. Beginning with the 12:00pm expiration Intraday 2-Hour GBP/JPY Binary contract, the width increased from 0.10 to 0.20 and remained at this width through the close of business on June 17, 2016. Finally, beginning with the 2:00pm expiration Intraday 2-Hour GBP/USD Binary contract, the width increased from 0.001to 0.002 and remained at this width through the close of business on June 17, 2016.
Due to the UK EU Membership Referendum which will occur on June 23, 2016, Nadex anticipates greater than usual volatility in its markets, as well as in the underlying markets upon which the Nadex contracts are based, and will adjust its contracts accordingly. Changes may include additional strike levels, widening of the bid/offer spread, or refraining from listing certain contracts.